Parenting services

Parenting Guidance & Support

Our parenting guidance and coaching services are one of our most sought out services. When you become a parent, you’re stepping into unknown territory and a whole new world. Stress is an inevitable, and has become the norm in the life of a parent. But why? Stress is caused by feeling unsure about something. It takes up space in our mind that begins to affect every other area of our life. When you think about parenting, the whole process is full of unknowns.


Every age and stage is a new experience we are trying to navigate. Not only that, but  every child is different, so parenting isn’t a one size fits all. The way you parent one child, may not work for the next. We are made to believe to trust our “motherly/fatherly intuition” but until you learn to trust your intuition this statement means nothing. As parents, we learn from experience, so while it does get easier with each child, every child is different.  Your firstborn provides you with most of your first-time experiences as a parent. It can be both exciting and overwhelming at the same time. 


Think about how many services there are to help us in our career or personal life that have become very standard services. When we think about hiring either a personal trainer, nutritionist, weight loss coach, trainer for a new puppy, life coach, wedding planner, or business consultant, finances become the deciding factor. Yet, during pregnancy, as we start preparing to give birth and embark on an 18-year-long journey, hiring a maternity planner and parenting coach isn’t the norm, hasn’t become a standard service, and makes us not only question the cost, but we question why.


But, why aren’t there more services offering parenting guidance and support for one of the most important jobs in the world; to raise the next generation?


The main goal of our services is to make your life easier by offering parenting guidance and support to help parents raise a better generation and ultimately change the world.


As parents, we wear many hats, which are all are equally important. Managing the household tasks, career, life, and personal life while raising kids is a lot. Kids have a way of throwing us curveballs, for instance, potty training. We know why we’re doing it, but we don’t know how to do it, so you spend countless hours searching for the best way to potty train, how to do it, what to do when they do this, etc. When it doesn’t go as planned, we question ourselves or our child. It’s a whole downward spiral that becomes time-consuming and stressful which then creates self-doubt within ourselves.


Benefits of hiring a parenting coach


When you use our services to help you with potty training, you don’t have to spend hours researching the different methods. Saving you time allows you to focus on other areas in your life and provides reassurance, eliminates self-doubt, and frees the mental space to give the one thing that makes the most significant impact on your kids, your presence.


One of the most significant breakthroughs we can have in any area of life is learning to ask for help. Even if they are minor tasks, delegating enables you to focus on what matters by tapping into your long-term vision.

Toddler Stages

Toddler Stages

We can help you with all stages and phases. Whether it's assisting the transition from the crib to a big kid bed, helping you with a picky eater, navigating terrible 2's and 3's, potty training, behavioral problems, establishing nap times and healthy bedtime routines
School-Aged Kids


Having school-aged kids is another level of busyness. Staying organized with their school papers and homework is a lot, and adding sports to the mix creates a tight schedule. We can help you; establish an after school routine, provide tools to help manage school and sports, help sort through sports leagues and the registration process, make recommendations for athletic training facilities, find local summer camps, preparing summer schedules and ideas to keep kids entertained, getting ready for the next school year, back to school shopping, styling family photoshoot, organizing birthday parties and or anything that will help parents find order within the chaos.

Parenting Coach

A study found that, on average, parents spend around 40 hours a week googling the unknowns and uncertainties of parenting. Our monthly coaching membership option is to help you sort through whatever challenges are coming up. We provide a safe space for you to come without judgment to offer support and reassurance. In our first session, we will get to know you personally, help you develop your core values, and provide you with the tools to create your family's core values. We will use both of these during our coaching sessions to make sure you align with whom you want to be as an individual and as a parent. As you develop more confidence within yourself, it begins to shift into the way you parent so you can make every parenting decision with confidence. Now you have more time to enjoy the present moment and establish a healthy family life balance!

Toddler Stages

We can help you with all stages and phases. Whether it’s assisting the transition from the crib to a big kid bed, helping you with a picky eater, navigating terrible 2’s and 3’s, potty training, behavioral problems, establishing nap times and healthy bedtime routines


After school chaos

Having school-aged kids is another level of busyness. Staying organized with their school papers and homework is a lot, and adding sports to the mix creates a tight schedule. We can help you; establish an after school routine, provide tools to help manage school and sports, help sort through sports leagues and the registration process, make recommendations for athletic training facilities, find local summer camps, preparing summer schedules and ideas to keep kids entertained, getting ready for the next school year, back to school shopping, styling family photoshoot, organizing birthday parties and or anything that will help parents find order within the chaos.

Parenting Coaching Services

A study found that, on average, parents spend around 40 hours a week googling the unknowns and uncertainties of parenting. Our monthly coaching membership option is to help you sort through whatever challenges are coming up. We provide a safe space for you to come without judgment to offer support and reassurance. In our first session, we will get to know you personally, help you develop your core values, and provide you with the tools to create your family’s core values. We will use both of these during our coaching sessions to make sure you align with whom you want to be as an individual and as a parent. As you develop more confidence within yourself, it begins to shift into the way you parent so you can make every parenting decision with confidence. Now you have more time to enjoy the present moment and establish a healthy family life balance!

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