Newborn sleep training

Newborn Sleep Training

The majority of parenting frustrations come from sleepless nights. Unfortunately, having a baby doesn’t come with a manual, and every child is different. “Sleep training” doesn’t have a single definition. There are a lot of myths and stigmas attached to sleep training, but why? The process of sleep training is simple once you know what’s causing the sleepless nights. Hiring an expert helps speed up the process and gives you peace of mind. As a former Postpartum/Pediatric RN and raising my own four kids, I have created my version of ‘sleep training.



Most parenting styles are based on a “reactive” approach, either by napping while the baby naps, excess caffeine, or living in sleep deprivation. While you may not feel the consequences, it starts a chain reaction. What usually happens next is a backup of “life,” which comes with consequences for your entire family and marriage. 



While working for a local Pediatrician, I spent most days answering questions regarding newborn sleep concerns, but the answers were never the same. Our baby sleep training service doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Much more goes into getting a baby to sleep through the night. Since starting Parenting Couture, the transformations I witnessed make the reward just as much mine as it is yours. Being a parent is the most important job in the world, and we are made to believe we are supposed to do it on our own. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength.

Benefits of newborn sleep training 

Hiring someone to help guide you on the path of parenthood immediately frees your mind from the unknowns of parenting, which allows you to be more present. With predictable bedtime routines and a baby who sleeps through the night, you will feel more rested and have time to take care of your individual needs. Eventually, you will start to see a shift in your marriage, business, friendships, and last but not least, the community. It’s simply a domino effect of great things, and witnessing this shift is why I love what I do.

“99.9% of being a parent is just being present with your child. On the flip side of that, 100% of being happy is just being present.”

Sleep Training Packages

Jumpstart Sleep Training Package

The Jumpstart is our most basic package, which includes a one-time visit to go over the 6-week plan to get your baby sleeping through the night and answer any questions you may have.  The goal is to touch on everything you want to cover. After the schedule has been established and implemented, I offer one follow-up phone call to go over everything. 

Dream Sleep Training Package

Our most popular service, “Dream,” is an inclusive package where we will work together until the baby sleeps through the night. That may sound impossible, and only in your wildest dreams could this happen, but I can make it your reality. You’ll be amazed at what is possible.



The average time we will work together is between 6-and 8 weeks. I will get to know your parenting style, baby temperament, and current feeding schedule to fit your individual and family needs. After the initial in-home consultation, we will develop an individualized program for the newest family member. As you start to implement the plan, questions and concerns are normal. Through experience, we found that offering packages with a limited number of the follow-up email, phone, or text support delayed the process. Parents felt questions weren’t essential and deemed “stupid” were vital to a successful outcome.



With our goal to have a 100% success rate, we offer unlimited support until your child sleeps through the night. We want you to be able to call us with any questions or concerns that may come up during the process. Sometimes, minor problems can delay the process if not handled correctly, and it’s our mission to make your life easier.

Mamastae Sleep Training Package

Parenting Concierge

Even when you think you have a good handle on the work-family balance, trying to add one more appointment to your schedule can throw you off. Juggling responsibilities in a fast-paced world can create unwanted stress, which ultimately can lower our productivity long term. Over scheduling ourselves, and being pulled in a million different directions, has become a parenting ‘norm.’



After working with different family dynamics and realizing all of the diverse needs and requests, there wasn’t one service that we could offer to solve the various conflicts. Offering this exclusive package allows us flexibility for those who have a last-minute scheduling conflict. We have had moms request to meet at a sibling’s soccer practice or teach the caregiver how to implement the sleep training schedule and be their follow-up resource. No matter what the reason is, we understand chaotic schedules.



This exclusive package allows us to specifically meet your personal needs while offering convenience to save you both time and effort. Unfortunately, with the type of service provided, we can only take on a limited number of clients per month to maintain our passion for service excellence.

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