How Do I Get Motivated When Life Isn’t Very Motivating

Inspiring Gallery wall

Do you believe everything is possible but wonder how do I get motivated to do what I want to do? If you’ve watched Shawshank Redemption, you understand the benefit of having hope. Andy, the main character, had his own version of a gallery wall in his jail cell. He wanted to visualize his hope and inspiration. When you have hope, then everything becomes possible. I promise not to spoil the ending, so you can keep reading. (This post is about a gallery wall and how it can inspire you, so don’t worry.) One of the main characters, Andy, had a life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. Holding onto hope gave him freedom, which he explains as something nobody can take. When you have hope, you don’t give up. When you have hope, you continue to pay attention to your surroundings. You don’t give up on life, and continue to stay inspired and stimulated. He didn’t give up hope or fall into his own self-pity. He always stayed positive and never accepted living a life he wasn’t ok with. It’s a perfect definition of how powerful your mind is.


Movies with inspiring subliminal messages, always awaken something within each of us. Like hope, it can give you a boost, which then opens up more possibilities from within.


As Instagram became popular, so did inspirational and motivational quotes. Recently, I’ve seen a rise in accounts that only post motivating and inspiring quotes. These accounts have become the new trending influencer on social media. If the trend keeps up, we will start to see a shift within society for the better of the world and the answer to the, how do I get motivated will become much more simplified. 


Exposing yourself to inspirational and motivational quotes will help them to become ingrained. Times you want to quit, you remember a quote and start pushing yourself a little harder. You will frequently hear me say, our minds are so powerful because I will forever be in awe of how powerful they are. When our kids become adults, they will see tremendous advancements in ways to use our minds. If technology continues to advance, but we don’t advance ourselves, issues will develop.

If you have a vision board or use mantras, you know the benefits come from daily practice. Adding quotes to our daily practice adds another layer to be the best version of yourself. If you’re like me, your list of items on your “daily practice” todos are as long as your standing todo list. The thought of my goals and visions can, at times, make me so overwhelmed I shut down altogether. This is why finding ways to add reminders within my environment is key to my success.


This post goes over all the ways you can use fashion to inspire.  I even went as far as putting my first tattoo, surrender, on my hand.

How Do I get Motivated? Placing inspiration within your environment

When it comes to interior design, I’m nowhere near an expert. I do know what I like, and I’m not afraid to experiment. I put most of my creative energy into designing my interior spaces. Like fashion, your house is an extension of your personality. Having four boys, incorporating each of their personalities, was also a priority. So far, we have a man cave and soccer field in our basement. Why they choose to sit right in front of me every day is still a mystery. I’ve even threatened to take over their man cave, with no success.


My personal style resembles my home style, eclectic.


Mid-century modern, with pops of color and side of boho, is how I describe my decor style. In my personal life, I have a vision of someday living somewhere tropical. Every morning we would surf, and meditate on the beach at sunrise. Unfortunately, this isn’t my reality, but I do have hope that it is in our future. For now, my focus is to create a strong foundation.

How do I get motivated using my environment? Gallery Wall of quotes

Inspiring Gallery wall

In the past few years, I have struggled to keep my word to myself. I have procrastinated like no other, and I have not been very good at meeting my goals. I’ve become a professional justifier, and everything seems to start on Monday. As I was putting together my desk, I had an empty wall to fill. At the time, I was sorting through many of my mind troubles.  It sparked my idea of a gallery wall full of inspiring quotes. I love to do more work for myself. I mean, how else am I supposed to procrastinate? I decided to pick out my favorite quotes and used one that I created myself.

Quotes on my gallery wall:

Quotes are my daily reminders to stay in alignment with my goals and vision. I read them to remind myself to be the person I want to be.

  1. Envision the future you desire. Create the life of your dreams. See it, feel it, and believe it.
  2. Dont chase people. Be an example. Attract them. Work hard and be yourself. The people who belong in your life will come find you and stay. Just do you.
  3. Focus. Don’t settle. Don’t waste time. Don’t be distracted. You have goals to accomplish. Go and make things happen!
  4. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourselfCoco Chanel
  5. Self-discipline is the magic ingredient that makes you virtually unstoppable. It doesn’t matter whether you are pursuing success in business, sports, the arts, or life in general: The bridge between wishing and accomplishing is discipline and the main ingredient for success is self control
  6. My superpower is Self Control
  7. She was unstoppable, not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.
  8. When the struggle is real; AM:  Drink some coffee. Put on gangster rap, and handle it. PM: Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together
  9. Im stepping everything up. Mind, Body, and Soul. Theres absolutely no excuse as to why you can’t be the best version of yourself.  ELEVATE!
  10. Remember.  The pain of the process is only temporary, but the feeling of achievement and being the best version of yourself lasts forever.
  11. Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.
  12. The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.  Deepak Chopra
  13. The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.  Steve Jobs
  14. If you want something in life, Commit to your goals and Surrender to the circumstances. You are a beautiful, strong, confident woman. Trust the process, stay focused and hustle.  ME

How to create your gallery wall of motivational quotes:

  1. Pick your space. Find a place you use so you will be able to see the quotes and reference them in times of need.
  2. Choose your font. I can’t remember where I purchased the font, but its called Silver Serif?
  3. I used pages to create the quotes, but any type of word document works.
  4. Decide what else you want to include within your gallery. I knew I wanted to add two large pictures to prevent the wall from looking cluttered from only using words.
  5. Pick out the photos if you choose to take that route. Etsy is a great resource. I purchased both of mine as downloaded files.
  6. Buy your picture frames. I bought mine from Michaels. I would have gone to IKEA because they have better prices, but IKEA was a further drive
  7. Print your pictures.  I used Stapes, but any print store works. Make sure you use heavy cardstock
  8. Depending on your preference or style, find colorful paper to put in the background of your quote. I had a calendar I found that had awesome prints and colors. I ended up needing to cut the size of my quote prints for the colors to show. I have white walls and chose white picture frames, so to bring a pop of color to my wall, I needed to do that.
  9. Choose your layout and measure ( or you could end up with large holes as I did)
  10. Hammer the nails and hang the frames.

Commit and Surrender are two powerful words for me. When you commit to something, surrender to the circumstances, and enjoy the moment. Don’t get lost in your daily todos without enjoying life if you have to wash a sink full of dishes. Commit to washing, surrender to the circumstances of having a million other things to do. Enjoy the moment. When I’m washing the dishes, I always remember a scene from Fools Rush In. Selma Hayek is cleaning the kitchen listening to salsa music, and dancing away. That’s what true surrender looks like to circumstances you aren’t fond of. It’s about being present in the moment and living your best life.


What is your favorite quote, and why? What area of life are you struggling with right now? If you have time to inspire someone else, comment with a quote to help them through their struggles. What you give is what you get!




Sketched by a HAUTEmess

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